
It is possible to translate and localize HPX into your language.

Existing translations can be found at [HPX]/translations. These translation files are named like so: <language_code>.<namespace>.yaml in all lower-case.

In these translation files, translations are distinguished by translation ids:

translation-id: translated text
translation-id-2: translated text 2

It is required that for every language, a namespace called general exists with this translation id:

locale: LanguageName (Country)

You can see translations/en_us.general.yaml for an example.

If you need a quick primer on YAML, see here.

Translator’s perspective

If you’re coming from a translator’s perspective and just want to translate then here are some quick pointers.

It is recommended that you translate from the en_us language code as this is the default language code for HPX , and also the one being kept up to date the most and fastest.

When translating you should take note of the _version_ id from the file you’re translating from at the time of translating. When you’re done translating, you update the _version_ in your translation files to match the ones you were translating from. This way you’’ know that your translation files are out of date when these _version_’s differ.

You can (and should!) submit your translation files to the main repo. Just create a pull request and it’ll be merged and usable by everyone in future releases!

If you’re going to translate the ui namespace, do note the prefixes on the language ids and their meaning:

#  Prefixes:
#   - mi == menu item text
#   - h == header text
#   - de == description text
#   - t == normal text
#   - b == button text

I might create a tool (or you can too) for helping translating later if I have time.

Developer’s perspective

Developers can choose to create their own language namespace for their own client applications if they desire. This language namespace can also be included in future HPX releases. Just create a pull request.

Say I made an app client for HPX named myapp. For this app I could create language files with the namespace myapp and include them in HPX. Others can then come edit or create their own translations for my app in the same manner as they would for HPX.

Translations are used like this <namespace>.<translation_id>. For example: "general.locale" resolves to English (United States).

If you’re building a client, you can access these translations through the server API functions ui.translate() and meta.get_locales().

Keep in mind that the locale settings for HPX are client-scoped, meaning that you can change the locale settings from a client freely without interfering with other client’s locale settings.


accessing through plugins